Saturday, August 9, 2014

Back to Reality

Back to life, back to reality... Remember that song? Well that describes me right now.  We just got back from a two week European Adventure!  Best vacation ever! Loved it and loved spending time with my husband and kids.  Can't get enough of all of them!   <3.  We come back and there is an email from my school asking for the supply list that needs to be sent out pronto! So I went in to drop it off and saw my room.  I went in, saw the room, and went back out. Not quite ready for that yet!  Doesn't mean I'm not excited or anxious thinking about my year and what I'm going to do, just means I'm just not ready yet......
I will mozey on in next week and this year I will take before and after pictures.  Won't be quite as dramatic as last year (moved from one building to another, unpacked over 150 boxes and squished myself into a much smaller room), but hopefully you will see an improvement!  Looking at lots of great blogs and cute ideas.  Getting psyched!!!!